Healthy Holiday Recipes

Category: Healthy Recipes

With the holiday in full swing, it can be quite a challenge not to overindulge in all the not-so-healthy, delectable holiday tre...

A Holistic and Nutritional Approach to Managing Migraines

Category: Healthy Body

Have you ever had a migraine so bad that simply opening your mouth to eat or speak caused a severe throbbing or pulsing pain in ...

Picky Eater Solution: Hidden Veggie Recipes

Category: Healthy Nutrition

We all know that eating vegetables is important. Unfortunately, knowing is only half the battle. And when it comes to your kid...

What to Look for in a Gummy Supplement for Kids

Category: Healthy Kids

Multivitamin supplements have been around for a century. But gummies didn't appear until a little over 20 years ago, when two...

How to Avoid the Top Diseases That Affect Men

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Men may act strong, but the truth is, men overall are less healthy and have a shorter life span than women. Even in all majo...

Is Your Sunscreen Damaging Coral Reefs

Category: Healthy Beauty

We use sunscreen products passively on our skin to protect it against overexposure to the sun. Unfortunately, we're doing harm...

These 6 Benefits of Drinking Tea Might Surprise You

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Next to water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. On any given day, over 159 million Americans are drinking ...

How to Deal With Stress As a Woman Playing Multiple Roles

Category: Healthy Body

As more women continue to balance work with their domestic responsibilities, the idea of engaging in multiple roles simultaneou...

How Babies Are Affected by Their Mothers' Nutrition

Category: Healthy Nutrition

We've all heard the saying "you are what you eat." What some might not realize is that during pregnancy, this old adage b...

What Every Prenatal Supplement Should Have

Category: Healthy Nutrition

The fetal mortality rate in the U.S. has dropped significantly from 19.2 per 1,000 births in 1950 to 5.8 per 1,000 births in 2...

How to Save Money While Going 'Green'

Category: Healthy Home

We've seen many lifestyle trends come and go, but it's safe to say that being more mindful of the way we affect the en...

How Toxic Cleaners Affect Kids' Health

Category: Healthy Home

In this age, when we’re compelled to opt for products that promise superlatives, we’re often driven to think that by using...

4 Ways Going 'Green' Can Be Good for You-old

Category: Healthy Home

Many of us enjoy the conveniences of modern life, and yet sometimes, we forget that these can come at a price. In this article, ...

I Had No Idea This Bacteria Offered So Many Health Benefits

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Have you heard the term probiotics before? It's astounding how many health benefits these little guys offer us. You may ...

Benefits of Low Glycemic Index Foods for People With Type 2 Diabetes

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Did you know that according to the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study, women eating the highest glycemic load diets were much mo...

How Are Supplements Produced?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Have you ever wondered how dietary supplements are produced? It starts with 2 questions. 1. Who's the supplier? For...

Natural Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Category: Healthy Body

In our last wellness article, we discussed the risk factors associated with heart disease and some of the tests your doctor can...

Heart Disease Risk Factors: What You and Your Doctor Can Do

Category: Healthy Body

In our last wellness article, we talked about some of the common types of heart conditions and the data involving cardiov...

What You Need to Know About Cardiovascular Disease

Category: Healthy Body

As of 2018, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in all areas of the world except Africa. In t...

10 Health Conditions That Can Be Improved With Weight Loss

Category: Healthy Weight

Weight gain after the holiday season is not just common, it's often inevitable. This once-a-year combination of festiviti...

Detox Pathways: The 5 Essential Organs for Cleansing

Category: Healthy Body

If you suddenly find yourself feeling lethargic, experiencing brain fog, gaining weight, or having trouble sleeping, your body m...

7 Benefits of Fiber for Fat Loss

Category: Healthy Weight

We’ve known for decades that fiber-rich foods are good for weight control. One reason is because dietary fiber slows down the ...

Components of a Healthy Cleanse

Category: Healthy Nutrition

We all have our guilty pleasures when it comes to food and drink, especially around the holidays. And while most of these might ...

How to Solve Red Blotchy Skin

Category: Healthy Beauty

Acne is more common in adolescents while wrinkles often come with age. Skin blotches, on the other hand, can occur regardless of...

5 Things to Avoid in Your Skin Care Products

Category: Healthy Beauty

We all want to have great skin, and we don't want our skin to age. But environmental factors, stress, genetics, and a busy l...

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